The "untaught sallies" of a Mom/English Teacher

This blog chronicles my random thoughts and interests. I use it as a place to publish my writing and share my thoughts with others. I hope you enjoy it; although, the content might be extremely boring for some!

Right now, I am focusing on the reading I am doing this year. There are SPOILERS in the entries for each book! Please do not read my responses if you are going to be upset by the spoilers!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Unmanned (Y: The Last Man, Vol. 1)

I accidentally got sucked into this at my boyfriend's house this weekend. I'm reading Watchmen, but he gave me Hell Boy and this Unmanned (Y: The Last Man) to entertain me as well. Now, my big priority will be getting my grades done with all this interesting stuff to read. :)

I got "some" grades done today, so I thought I would catch up a bit on my blog. When I say I accidentally got sucked into this book, I mean it. I was lying in bed when my boyfriend brought me a few new books to look at. I flipped through Hell Boy (I really like the artwork in Hell Boy) and then I flipped through Unmanned. Only it wasn't like flipping through at all. The next thing I knew I was done with the first trade. I even stopped a couple of times to talk to Wade about what I was reading.

The first page grabbed me. In the final two frames, a female police officer points out that all the men are dead just before putting her gun to her temple. And I really think that's what my reaction would be to such a catastrophe. I'm not sure I could weather the world with only female company, though I've spent my fair share of time around girls. I went to an all-girls school for two years in Hawaii, and after my husband and I split up, the great majority of my time was spent with my two girls, my mother, and my sister. I hope I would try to keep things together for them, but my gut reaction would be to get

This series, while illustrated by a woman, is written by a man (Brian K. Vaughan), and at times this male perspective shows through. Yorick, the last man,

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